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How I exhaled


HI i'm bunnie


Hello, I’m Jewel Bunnie. I'm a mother, daughter, sister, chef bae and DC Native. Like many of us I juggle many hats in life. I found myself overwhelmed with my systematic day to day. I knew I was bored, underpaid, overworked and unhappy. But what am I going to do about it? Well when the pandemic hit I found myself without work or resources. I also found out I'd soon have to undergo brain surgery. This all will be change for my son and I. Yet I had to make a way for my baby. So I started The Grade where I could be me and work around my son and his new schedule. Here is where I started to grow for the first time I feel free. I started making holistic candles with fresh herbs that made me feel good inside. I new I wanted my home decor to reflect my new journey. I love it here.

I want to offer the thought of empowerment, stability, peace, and light to single parents. I want you to take the time out to nourish you again.

We all need a little bit of relax, relate, release sometimes.


Let's learn, grow, heal and network together.


This brand is made up of all of my favorite things and some of yours. Come explore with us as we ascend

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